We are a grassroots nonprofit working to steer responsible development of advanced AI.


The decisions we make today about how to develop AI will shape the future of humanity. Our goal at the Safe AI Society is to broaden awareness about the amazing progress made in Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as the potential risk to all of us if not developed thoughtfully. We believe if we can broaden awareness, we can build a movement to ensure AI benefits society.





Come up to speed and look to the future. We’re focused on educating the public—those of us that aren’t involved in the day-to-day research and development—about Artificial Intelligence, the current applications and the possible future scenarios (both good and bad).



Make a difference and save the world. As a thoughtful community of concerned world citizens, we partner with and influence the decisions being made by AI experts and policymakers. Advanced AI will happen—together, we can build a safe and happy future.